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Graphite crucible for nonferrous metal melting refining smelting, Китай

Фото Graphite crucible for nonferrous metal melting refining smelting, Китай

Дата: 14.07.2024 г. - Цена: договорная

High-purity graphite has the characteristics of high strength, high density, high purity, high chemical stability, compact and uniform structure, high temperature resistance, high electrical conductivity, good wear resistance, self-lubricating, and easy processing. It is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, and aerospace. , Electronics, machinery, nuclear energy and other industrial fields. Especially large-scale and high-quality high-purity graphite, as an alternative material, has a broad application space in high-tech and new technology fields, and has a wide range of application prospects.

High-purity graphite crucible has excellent thermal stability, corrosion resistance, impact resistance, acid corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity and quality stability. It is a kind of very excellent performance in molten gold crucibles, and is currently widely used in alloy tools The smelting of steel and the smelting of non-ferrous metals and their alloys. However, improper use of high-purity graphite crucibles will greatly affect its performance and service life.

Therefore, relevant experts have summarized the following points for the use of high-purity graphite crucibles.

1: The high-purity graphite crucible must be slowly baked to 500 degrees Celsius before use. After use, it must be placed in a dry place to avoid water intrusion.

2: When using, it must be added according to the capacity of the high-purity graphite crucible, and the metals placed should not be squeezed too tightly to prevent the metal from thermally expanding and cracking the crucible.

3: When taking out the molten metal after melting, it is best to scoop it out with a spoon, use calipers as little as possible, and pay attention to the action to be light, to avoid impacting the crucible to excessive force and damage.

4: When using high-purity graphite crucible, avoid strong oxidizing flame directly spraying on the crucible wall, which will damage the crucible and shorten the service life.

The high-purity graphite crucible has excellent performance, but in order to better use and prolong the service life of the high-purity graphite crucible, we must know the above instructions to avoid damaging it.Производитель: Собственное производство

<< Extruded graphite

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Alisa Deng Jiangxi Ningheda New Material Co., Ltd.

+86 183 705-09-07


+86 183 705-09-07


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