Дата: 13.07.2024 г. Цена: 27 000 000 руб. МРТ GE HdXt Twinspeed 3Т
Стоимость: по запросу
Twinspeed SR80/SR150
•2010 год
• Channels: 16 Channels
• Field strength: 3.0 T
• Magnet type: 3.0 Corona
• Condition: Complete and fully functional
• HE level: 94,41 %
• Service pack: 16.0x V02 service pack 2
• SW version: HD16.0_V03_1638a
• SW options: Echo Plana Imaging, Fast Gradient Echo, Cine, Fast Spin Echo & Flair, Time of Flight, Phase Contrast Vascular Imaging, Spectroscopy/Probe, SGD Echospeed, DW EPI, FLAIR EPI, Special, Smart Prep, SSFSE, Three Plane Localizer, Modality Worklist, E3DTOF, FSE_XL, Bloodsupp, Fastcine, Sgdperf, iDrive Pro, iDrive, Smartprep 2000 Upgrade,
Probe 2000 Upgrade, Functool 2, Voxtool, Interactive Vascular Imaging, Clariview, Performed Procedure Step, Fgret, Ultrashort TR, T2 Breathhold, SSFSE MRCP, T1 Breathhold, ACGD Plus, Fluoro-triggered MRA, MRCP3, Fiesta 2D, Fiesta 3D, Delayed Enhancement, Asset, Probe Press, Diffusion Tensor, 3DFRSE, Asset Plus, Tricks, Fiesta-C, Breast2, Propeller DWI, 3DПроизводитель: General Electric